Harrisonburg Adoption Lawyer

Guiding You Through This Exciting Time

At Evans Oliver, PLC we enjoy guiding people through the adoption process. During this exciting time for you and your family, our lawyers will be your trusted advisers. We will protect your interests and work to facilitate the adoption in a smooth, efficient and stress-free manner.

Rockingham County Attorney: Stepparent Adoptions, Parental Placement And Other Types Of Adoption

We are deeply familiar with the steps involved in the various types of adoption, including:

  • Parental placement adoptions

  • Foreign adoptions

  • Stepparent and close relative adoptions

  • Adult adoptions

  • Agency placement adoptions

As a law firm focused on providing the highest quality of legal service, communication is one of our top priorities. We frequently speak with our clients to make sure their questions are answered and that they understand what's going on at every stage of the adoption.

Adoption Processes In Virginia

One of the most common questions potential parents have about adoption is, "how long will the adoption take?" The answer can vary based on the type of adoption and the circumstances of each case. A parental placement adoption is a multi-step process that typically involves a pregnant mother choosing a family to adopt her child. First, the biological parents' parental rights are terminated in the local juvenile and domestic relations court. Then, after a six-month waiting period, the adoption can be finalized in circuit court after agency visits and other criteria have been met. In a stepparent adoption or a close relative adoption, the process can move much faster.

To learn more about how our Harrisonburg adoption attorneys at Evans Oliver, PLC can help you, call 540-437-1966 or contact us online.

We offer initial family law consultations for a flat fee of $425.00.