Harrisonburg Assault Charges Attorney

Unlike many states, the common law offenses of assault and battery have been merged. In Virginia, assault and battery is an act intended to cause offensive contact or the threat of harm. A verbal threat must be accompanied by some action indicating that an individual is prepared to carry out the threat. If you have been arrested or charged with assault and battery, it is wise to seek the counsel of an experienced defense attorney as soon as possible.

At Evans Oliver, PLC our Harrisonburg assault lawyers have extensive experience defending clients in a broad array of situations. The consequences upon conviction can often have devastating, lifelong consequences. Depending on the charge, you might face jail time, community service or probation. Having a criminal record can dramatically impact your ability to find job, obtain housing and pursue educational opportunities.

Rockingham County Battery Charges Lawyer

There are numerous factors that will define your defense. For example, are you a member of the armed services? Was the assault and battery against a family member? Are you a student at, for example, James Madison University (JMU)? Based on multiple factors, including your criminal history, we will begin developing an effective defense.

Assault and battery is typically a Class 1 misdemeanor. In Virginia, a Class 1 misdemeanor is punishable by up to one year in jail and fines up to $2,500. Act now to protect yourself from these penalties.

To speak about your legal issue with an experienced defense attorney at Evans Oliver, PLC call 540-437-1966 or contact us online.